You searched for "gonioscopy"

259 results found

Long-term specular microscopy following Nd: YAG iridotomy in chronic POAG

The aim of this study was to evaluate specular microscopy of chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma (CPACG) eyes at least one year after Nd:YAG iridotomy, and compare them with CPACG eyes without an iridotomy and age-matched, normal eyes. Nd:YAG laser causes...

Dr Paul Singh and Prof Gus Gazzard on laser as first line therapy

Both the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the European Glaucoma Society (EGS) have updated their preferred practice regimens to recognize or recommend SLT as an initial intervention for glaucoma and the NICE UK are now guiding doctors to use SLT before drops.

What not to miss in neuro-ophthalmology Part 1

Neuro-ophthalmology is a complex and difficult subspecialty in ophthalmology. It has several connections to neurology, neuro-surgery, rheumatology as well as many other medical specialties. Working in an multidisciplinary team (MDT) environment is key to success in this subspecialty as mistakes...

Recurrent unilateral preseptal cellulitis secondary to herpes simplex virus infection

Introduction Periorbital (sometimes called preseptal cellulitis) is a common condition which on its own is not normally an ophthalmic or surgical emergency, however it has the potential to cause severe and serious morbidity in cases where the infection has crossed...

How does your practice compare?

One of the lovely things about clinical meetings and conferences is the ability to meet with your peers and ask questions of them about their practice. Often the questions are not earth shattering, for example, it could be as simple...

Corneal suture sample evaluation

This is a prospective study of 35 patients’ suture samples taken from a tertiary cornea clinic, Miami, Florida, with a history of penetrating keratoplasty. The aim is to study the relationship between corneal suture bacteriology, biofilm and the clinical setting,...

Comparison of changes in ECD and CCT between CPS and FLACS

This is an intraindividual randomised clinical trial of 134 eyes from 67 patients, one eye was treated with femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) (including pretreatment of main incision, side port, capsulotomy and lens fragmentation) and the fellow eye received conventional...

Effect of trabeculectomy on corneal endothelial cell loss

This is a prospective study of 117 eyes for two years after trabeculectomy, to investigate the corneal endothelial cell density (CECD) by specular microscopy prior to and after surgery on a six monthly basis. At six, 12, 18 and 24...

Dead bag syndrome: a new and rare cause of late IOL dislocation

The dead bag syndrome has recently been described as a cause of late spontaneous intraocular lens (IOL) subluxation and / or dislocation. The capsular bag remains clear years after surgery and then becomes diaphanous and floppy. The authors explanted seven...

Incidence, microbiological profile and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of IK

This is a retrospective single centre study of all patients (with corneal scraping) including their demographic factors, microbiological profiles, and in vitro antibiotic susceptibility of infectious keratitis (IK), studied between 2007 and 2019. The incidence of IK was 34.7/100,000 people...

Cataract in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome

The authors present a prospective comparative study in 43 patients with (group 1) or without (group 2) pseudoexfoliation (PXF) undergoing cataract surgery. Anterior capsule samples were obtained in all patients and analysed for signs of apoptosis by using special staining...

Histopathological changes in rabbit retinitis pigmentosa

The authors report the histopathological changes of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), optic disc and optic nerve in rabbit with advanced retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP was recreated in rabbits by using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis, with the purpose of increasing understanding...