You searched for "fusion"

1533 results found

Types of nystagmus and associations in a large international database for nystagmus

The authors aimed to characterise a large international cohort of children with nystagmus. Data were taken from a prospective database which was started in 2010. Up to 2020, this contained 1774 patients with nystagmus from 38 US states and 30...

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...

Being more consistent with screening for convergence insufficiency

This prospective cases series aimed to identify the average values and sensitivity of clinical measurements of convergence to aid diagnosis of convergence insufficiency (CI). Children and adults presenting over a two-year period with symptoms including diplopia when reading, headache with...

Key research and practical information to inform INS care

This ‘tutorial’ format paper aims to translate key research findings and conclusions into practical terms, discuss their clinical utility and introduce a new clinical method that accurately measures the static visual deficits in infantile nystagmus (INS), predicts the improvements that...

Improving distance stereopsis in intermittent exotropia with training

This study compared the control ability of patients with stereopsis and analysed the influencing factors of the improvement of distance stereopsis in children with intermittent exotropia. Seventy-eight children were recruited: 33 male, 45 female with mean age of 8.4 ±2.72...

An Introduction to: RCOphth's Microsurgery Course

For foundation doctors and medical students with a keen interest on becoming ophthalmologists, the RCOphth Microsurgery Introduction Course stands as a gateway to introducing doctors to the intricacies of microsurgery.

Unravelling ocular motility

Ocular motility can often be a slightly abstract concept during the earlier years of ophthalmology training. A large variance on what embodies normality; mythical concepts like fusion and binocular vision, examination techniques that can be fiddly, and complex neuroanatomy all...

Effect of intravenous mannitol in post vitrectomised eyes

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous mannitol 20% on intraocular pressure in vitrectomised silicone-oil filled eyes. A prospective analysis of consecutive patients was undertaken with their fellow eyes taken as controls. Thirty-one patients were...

Pseudophakic Monovision: A Clinical Guide

The contents of this small volume should provide useful tips for all ophthalmic practitioners involved with managing patients undergoing cataract surgery. For those ophthalmic clinicians and supporting staff not familiar with the potential options for achieving a spectacle independent refractive...

AOP welcomes focus on improved patient outcomes in Pharmacy Supervision Review Group report

Recommendations review legislative framework for the future delivery of pharmacy.

Making sense of the orthoptic assessment

Following the Specialty Trainee article on this topic in the February/March 2020 issue, Joe Smith provides a more detailed breakdown of the orthoptic report. Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and manage a wide variety of patients with varying problems. In this article,...

Conservative management of concomitant strabismus

The aim of management for all patients with strabismus should centre around four goals: to prevent amblyopia, to alleviate symptoms, to restore binocular single vision (BSV) and to improve ocular alignment. The conservative management options available for strabismus include observation,...