You searched for "conjunctiva"

803 results found

Quiz Jun/Jul 2024

History A one-year-old girl originally presented with a red eye, initially bilaterally and later in the left only. On examination a membrane was found on the tarsal conjunctiva of the upper eyelid (Figure 1). Figure 1: Anterior segment. Serum plasminogen...

Avoiding pre-placed recti sutures in enucleation

This is a retrospective review of 40 patients who underwent enucleation using a non-conventional technique in which the recti muscles were detached from the sclera without pre-placing any sutures to secure the cut muscle ends. The surgery was only performed...

Hidden eyelid laceration following blunt trauma

A paediatric case report of a hidden eyelid laceration following blunt trauma. Blunt injury to the eyelid can result in a multitude of issues, such as damage to the eyelid margin, lacrimal system and surrounding orbit [1]. These can often...

Ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome

The ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome is a very rare condition caused by a dominant mutation in the TWIST2 gene. Congenital defects include rudimentary eyelids, macrostomia, ambiguous genitalia and campodactyly. Neonates are at risk of severe corneal exposure without intervention. Previous reports have...

Long scleral tunnel technique to prevent tube exposure of Ahmed glaucoma valve

This retrospective study was done to evaluate the efficacy of long scleral tunnel technique and compare it with pericardium patch graft in preventing tube exposure of Ahmed glaucoma valve. Seventy-eight eyes of 73 patients were included. In group 1 patients,...

Use of amniotic membrane in second stage Hughes tarsocunjunctival reconstruction

This is a retrospective, non-comparative interventional case series of 30 patients who underwent amniotic membrane transplantation to lower lid margin as part of Hughes lid reconstruction to prevent a hyperaemic, hypertrophic conjunctival margin with excessive discharge. Patients undergoing more than...

Resection versus plication impact on conjunctival-scleral thickness

In this study the authors aimed to compare the conjunctival-scleral thickness as measured with anterior segment (AS) OCT before and after medial rectus muscle resection or plication for exotropia. This was a prospective study of 7 resection cases and nine...

Conjunctival melanoma involving the lacrimal drainage system

A total of 52 patients were diagnosed with conjunctival melanoma over a period of 17 years, 17 of whom required orbital exenteration. Five of these were found to have melanoma involving the lacrimal drainage apparatus (LDA). One was evident clinically...

Choice of diclofenac or corticosteroids for strabismus surgery

This systematic review was undertaken to analyse the available data on various corticosteroids and diclofenac to determine the most effective postoperative anti-inflammatory agent for patients with strabismus. Twenty-five studies were identified from 1997–2021 and a total of eight met the...

Sexually transmitted conjunctivitis – the REALLY sticky eye

Let’s face it, patients with conjunctivitis don’t always produce the most stimulating consultations and most of the time we can manage them in auto-pilot. The prospect of delving into such a patient’s sexual history is not overly appealing, but this...

Oral omega-3 fatty acid treatment for dry eye in contact lens wearers

This study evaluates the effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation of dry eye symptoms, tear film tests, and conjunctival impression cytology in patients with contact lens wear-associated dry eye. In this randomised double-blind, multi-centred trial, contact lens wearers (n=...

2018 update on intravitreal injections

In this review article the authors have highlighted the standardised and structured approach to intravitreal injections (IVI) by examining the recent evidence-based literature. IVI is the most commonly performed procedure worldwide with low potential risk of endophthalmitis. IOP spikes are...