You searched for "anisometropia"

123 results found

Ametropia prevalence and types in China

This study aimed to determine the prevalence and type of ametropia in Yunnan multi-ethnic regions. The study included 24,296 students aged 7-12 years (90.99%) in the study area of five different regions. There were 51% males and 32.2% minorities. Ametropia...

Refractive changes over time for fully accom esotropia

The purpose of this study was to determine refractive error changes across time and to define factors contributing to decompensation in patients with fully accomodative esotropia (FAET). This was a retrospective study of 223 patients with a mean age at...

An update on inherited retinal disorders (part 1) – overview and assessment of inherited retinal disease

Part 2 of this topic can be found here Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) is the leading cause of blindness certification in the working age population (age 16-64 years) in England and Wales and the second most common in childhood [1]....

Early refractive correction promotes esotropia control

This study sought to determine the incidence and characteristics of esotropia in a Northern Ireland population of children <7 years old in a one-year period. The authors report a 2013 cohort in which the area catchment had 29,365 children under...

Outcomes for acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia

Outcomes are reported in a retrospective review of 338 patients with acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia (AACE). Mean age at presentation was 12.60 ±9.37 years and 220 were male, 118 female. Best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 ±0.29 logMAR overall;...

How long to wait to refract after instilling cyclo drops for children with brown irides?

This study aimed to assess the time needed for effective cycloplegia after instillation of 1% cyclopentolate drops in children with brown irides. The study recruited 161 consecutive patients aged three to 16 years. All had refraction on arrival, then instillation...

How effective is nurse-led telephone preassessment for cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the UK [1]. The demand for cataract surgery is projected to increase with ageing population, and the recent pandemic has further contributed to the extended waiting times in the UK....

The paediatric cataract: an overview of the diagnosis and management

In this second article (see first article here), Samuel Aryee and Rhys Dumont Jones review the challenges involved in managing this condition. Examination and diagnosis Cataracts in children can appear in a variety of forms, each presenting in a different...

William’s syndrome

William’s syndrome is a congenital multisystem disorder involving the cardiovascular, connective tissue and central nervous systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and severity of ophthalmic manifestations and associated diseases as well as provide epidemiology data...

Management of high AC/A esotropia

The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term effect of treating high accommodative convergence to accommodation (AC/A) esotropia with single vision lenses (SVL) compared with the effectiveness of using SVL on patients with basic refractive esotropia and a...

Photoscreening comparison

The A09/S09 photoscreener contains a fixation target of flashing lights (as for the S04) plus a smiley face which is new. Concerns were raised that the smiley face may stimulate less accommodation than the S04 attention lights and therefore potentially...

Eye movements in children with strabismus +/- amblyopia

The aim of this study was to detect eye movement recording abnormalities using different paradigms in children with strabismus in the absence or presence of amblyopia and compare these findings with age-matched children without strabismus. One hundred children were recruited...