You searched for "Tumours"

568 results found

Computer-assisted surgery in the orbit

In this paper the authors describe the growing use of computer-assisted surgery in ophthalmology. It is already described as a powerful adjunct in neurosurgery and sinus surgery and here they describe their experience of using it for the orbit; specifically...

Lacrimal drainage system malignancies

This retrospective case series looks at the rare cases of lacrimal drainage system malignancies. The authors have identified 14 patients in 24 years, at a tertiary referral centre in the Indian subcontinent. Many previous publications have found squamous cell carcinoma...

Prognosis prediction using clinical findings for fourth nerve palsies

The authors present a retrospective review of a cohort of patients diagnosed with fourth cranial nerve palsy with more than six months follow-up, over a 10-year period at a single centre. Thirty-five patients were included in the study, and spilt...

MicroRNA inhibits corneal neovascularisation

MicroRNAs (miR) are small non-coding RNA that target mRNA for destruction. MiR target about 30% of the protein coding genes and fine tune their expression. MiR have been shown to be involved in several cellular processes including cell cycle, tissue...

Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia

Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) has been linked with various pathological conditions of the central nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, tumours and brainstem inflammatory processes. This unusual case report describes a case of a 45-year-old female patient presenting with...

Long-term outcomes for hereditary retinoblastoma

Earlier diagnosis and more rigorous treatment regimens have contributed to better outcomes for patients with retinoblastoma. This study looked at 24 patients with hereditary bilateral retinoblastoma treated with systemic chemotherapy during a ten year period (2001-2011). The medical notes were...

A review of orbital plasmacytomas

This is a multicentre review of 30 patients with orbital plasmacytomas. There were equal numbers of males and females, and the average age at diagnosis was 57 years. All patients were either already diagnosed with systemic multiple myeloma or it...

Management of diffuse OSSN with topical chemotherapy

Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) can be localised to the conjunctiva or, less commonly, diffusely spread over the conjunctiva and cornea. Localised OSSN can be treated by surgical removal with adjuvant cryotherapy and chemotherapy with low rates of recurrence. Diffuse...

Handbook of Retinal OCT (Second Edition)

Duker et al. present the second edition of their Handbook of Retinal OCT. It’s an upgrade from their last edition in many respects – there’s an enhanced digital version, the pages have a nice glossy sheen which makes it feel...

Ophthalmology Study Tour to Egypt

Ophthalmology Study Tour to Egypt Includes visits and tours to Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. The cost of the tour includes: Flights and accommodation in 5* hotels (double or twin rooms) inclusive of breakfast for five nights in Cairo. Full board...

Sensitive cilia – eyelashes in health and disease

In health our eyelashes protect the eyes, but in disease they can disfigure, impair quality of life and threaten vision. In this review the authors discuss aspects of lashes that are relevant to all professionals working near the eyes and...

CSD-OCT detection of minimally visible retinoblastoma

This paper reports minimally visible tumour recurrence that was detectable on spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) in a two-month-old infant who had a diagnosis of bilateral familial retinoblastoma. The infant was treated with IVC for six cycles with vincristine, etoposide and...