You searched for "Glasgow"

339 results found

Return to Lviv

The ‘Return to Lviv’ trip saw Wesley McLoughlin and Doireann Hughes journey for 10 days over more than 4000 miles, via land, air and sea to deliver ophthalmic aid to Ukraine.

Leading North London eye clinic appoints retina expert to treat growing ‘epidemic’ of patients living with myopia

Leading independent eye hospital based in Finchley, My-iClinic, has welcomed Consultant Ophthalmologist, Ms Yvonne Luo, to its growing team of specialists.

Specsavers Launches brand new Roblox Obby

Specsavers has unveiled the ‘Specsavers Obby’, a new branded obstacle course game and virtual merchandise giveaway on Roblox, marking the high-street retailer’s commitment to educating younger generations and continued steps into the gaming space.

What’s trending? Oct/Nov 2017

#NHSwaitingtimes, #NHSprivatisation, #NHSpostcodelottery The NHS in crisis seems ever topical, but this time, the focus is on long waiting times “driving people to turn to private treatment” [1], with hips, knees and eyes cited as common reasons for doing so....

Retinal prosthetics: science fiction or a vision for the future?

“Is it a fact – or have I dreamt it – that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House...

Myopia management

With the growing prevalence of myopia at epidemic levels in some countries and increasing number of research publications on myopia control, there is a lot of controversy regarding the management of myopia. As none of them are at present available...

Sense Medical Virtual Glaucoma Clinic

With COVID-19 potentially transmissible through contact with conjunctival and tear secretions of infected patients as well as aerosol droplets, your ophthalmology department needs to adapt quickly...

Imaging without a slit-lamp, more Google Glass news and strabismus humour

Pinterest Many of you will know about this site that organises collections of mostly graphical information. It’s used heavily for fashion, recipes and cupcakes. Well, it seems it has also become quite a useful resource for ophthalmology, optometry and related...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2020

Here in the UK, we’ve been in lockdown since 23 March 2020, with much of the rest of the world entering degrees of lockdown since February-March 2020. COVID-19 has dominated the headlines and social media, so without further ado, I...

In conversation with Robert F Walters, Orbis Trustee

Can you give us a brief overview of the organisation and its hope for the future? Orbis International is a global non-governmental organisation (NGO) which is dedicated to the prevention of blindness. We’ve now been going since 1982. We’re very...

The meaning of life

Supercomputer: “The answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything is…”Programmer: “Yes…?”Supercomputer: “42. It was a tough assignment”.Programmer: “42? Is that all you have got to show for seven and a half million years work?” In this...

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...