You searched for "Genetics"

522 results found

£5 million award for world-leading research facilities within new eye health centre

The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust has awarded £5 million to UCL in partnership with Moorfields Eye Charity and Moorfields Eye Hospital to support Oriel – a centre for advancing eye health, opening in 2027.

Understanding and confronting bacterial endophthalmitis

Abdus Samad Ansari highlights the importance of early recognition of this condition using an unusual presentation. Endophthalmitis is a medical emergency with devastating consequences. Despite adequate treatment, severe cases frequently result in permanent blindness. Endophthalmitis involves inflammation of both the...

Embryology in clinical practice

The fascinating world of embryology is both beautiful and practical. It is a home video of our evolutionary history through the ages from the single cell through to the life aquatic, the development of gut, limbs and brain, and most...

Eye drop reminder apps

There are quite a few apps in both the iPhone and Android app stores designed to help patients remember to take their eye drops. The goal here was to select an app suitable to recommend to patients. Ophthalmic specific apps...

The friendly face of ophthalmology

The friendly face of ophthalmology

Aug/Sep 2019 Quiz

History A 73-year-old female patient was referred for rapid growth of two new lesions on the face. She had past medical history of systemic lymphoma. On examination, there was a palpable mass over the left superior orbital region and the...

Kilt Walk Veteran says thank you to charity for life changing support

A veteran has led his ‘Daredevils’ team on a 22.7 mile walk to say thank-you to Sight Scotland Veterans for all the life changing support they provide.

William’s Marathon Mission: Running for Sofie and Sight Scotland

William Oviatt is running the Edinburgh Marathon to raise money for Sight Scotland to say thank you for all the help and support the charity gave to his family when his daughter, Sofie, was diagnosed with retinal dystrophy.

What's trending Aug/Sep 2022

A round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #JustinBieber #RamsayHuntsyndrome #facialparalysis Justin Bieber revealed he has been afflicted by Ramsay Hunt syndrome, and thus has had to cancel...

Traumatic injuries from foam Nerf bullets

Background Three patients are presented in this case report: an adult and two children which were subjected to ocular injuries from Nerf gun bullets. Generally, Nerf guns are considered safer than airsoft guns. While there are many papers on airsoft...

Illuminating task lighting

Good lighting is always important but especially for patients who are visually impaired. Janet Pooley provides an overview. We tend to discuss lighting with patients when their vision is reduced, and where we are considering higher reading adds or low...

On reflection

Welcome one and all to our festive Eye News Dec/Jan 2024. The arrow of time has flown through 2023, landing us at the year’s end, but not before Santa brings you this special delivery. Aside from the partying and generally...