You searched for "ophthalmologists"

2448 results found

REPORT: American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery (AECOS) European Symposium

David Shahnazaryan, Consultant Ophthalmologist, London, UK and Radhika Rampat, Consultant Ophthalmologist, London, UK, report from the AECOS Symposium in Antwerp, Belgium (June 10-12).

Is exenteration helpful in invasive fungal sinusitis?

Invasive fungal sinusitis is a potentially lethal disease that causes painful orbital apex syndrome with ophthalmoplegia and visual loss. The mechanism of ophthalmoplegia and visual loss is not clear, and neither is the role of radical surgery-orbital exenteration. The authors...

How to get the most out of your ophthalmology elective

If you are in your penultimate year (or even earlier) and have already decided that you want to do ophthalmology, good for you! Ophthalmology is one of the most competitive specialties, and one of the easiest ways to demonstrate your...

Why Ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that deals with eye diseases and helps preserve vision. The ophthalmic community consists of a wide range of healthcare professionals who work together to address eye-related problems in many extraordinary ways. This article explores the...

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmology

The authors designed and distributed a survey to assess the economic impact of the pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmologists over the sustained lockdown period of 18 months in 2020/21. They captured information on clinical and surgical revenue, staff hiring and...

ChatGPT cannot pass FRCOphth examinations: implications for ophthalmology and large language model artificial intelligence

Large language models are generating a lot of hype for artificial intelligence, but can they assist patients and practitioners in ophthalmology? Introduction Deep learning (DL) has emerged in ophthalmology as an exciting form of artificial intelligence (AI) most commonly applied...

Management of congenital NLD obstruction

The authors evaluated changes in management of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) by surveying 1495 Association for Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (AAPOS) members. The survey consisted of 21 multiple choice questions with anonymised return. Responses were received from 127 members...

The GMC joins the mobile revolution

If you are an ophthalmologist practising in the UK the increasing need to log your educational activities for your Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) or appraisal can’t possibly have escaped you. The existing tools in this area for ophthalmologists...

Competition ratios: Is the future of ophthalmology too bright?

In the UK, ophthalmology is a highly competitive speciality, attracting many medical graduates keen to pursue a career in this area. However, in recent years, the competition ratios for ophthalmology ST1 training posts have increased significantly, creating a challenging environment...

Thalamic infarcts and the associated neuro-ophthalmic sequelae

The authors present a retrospective review of clinical and imaging data from a stroke database over a 10-year period. Of those identified as having a thalamic infarction (n=342), 40 were found to have neuro-ophthalmic sequelae (11.7%). The neuro-ophthalmic sequelae reported...

The ROP Network: a south-south collaboration to improve care for premature babies

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disorder of the immature preterm retina and a leading cause of preventable, irreversible blindness in children. There are 15 million preterm births annually, and over 32,000 neonates became blind from ROP in 2010 [1]....

RCOphth Annual Congress - Day 3

Follow live updates and key highlights from Day 3 of the RCOphth Annual Congress.