Long-term effect of YAG LPI on corneal endothelium in PACS

This is a single-centre randomised controlled trial of 875 patients with bilateral primary angle closure suspect (PACS) who received YAG laser iridotomy (LPI) prophylactic treatment in one eye randomly and the fellow eye served as control over 72 months. Central...

The effects of ab-interno XEN gel implantation on postural IOP elevations

The study involved 18 patients with XEN gel implants, 30 patients who had trabeculectomy, and 30 medically managed glaucoma patients. All patients in XEN gel implant and trabeculectomy groups had at least 11 months of follow-up following successful surgery resulting...

Efficacy and safety of novel PF brimonidine / timolol fixed-combination ophthalmic solution for OAG

This study is a multicentre, randomised, open-label, parallel-group clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a newly developed preservative-free (PF) brimonidine / timolol fixed-combination (BTFC) ophthalmic solutions as compared with preservative-containing (PC) BTFC ophthalmic solution in adult patients...

Visual retraining for homonymous hemianopia following stroke

This is a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of motion discrimination training as a potential therapy for stroke-induced hemianopic visual field defects involving 48 patients. They were randomised into two arms, one intervention (deficit-field) and one control (sighted-field). Patients were...

Parent-reported outcomes after cerebral hemispherectomy

The authors present the findings of a survey circulated by the Childhood Epilepsy Surgery Foundation to its members. Parents of children who had undergone a cerebral hemispherectomy were invited to participate. A total of 48 responses from 248 who were...

Using MRI to assess normal variation in optic chiasm anatomy

The authors present an MRI study including 61 MRI scans using a 1.5 T with slice thickness of 1 or 5mm and the sequence showing the highest resolution of the chiasm. A predetermined set of measurements were taken in a...

How common is optic disc drusen in young patients with NAION?

A retrospective notes review at two tertiary care centres was completed between 2009 and 2019. The inclusion criteria for the study was a diagnosis of nonarteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) in at least one eye, aged between 18 and...

Would automated pupillometry be a useful addition when assessing acute vision loss?

The authors present a two-part study, the first part being an electronic survey of ophthalmologists and optometrists to identify barriers to the routine clinical use of automated pupillometry and the second, a clinical study comparing the swinging light tests and...

Orbital cavernous haemangiomas

This is a review of orbital cavernous haemangiomas (orbital cavernous venous malformations) managed over a 12-year period at a tertiary referral centre. Painless proptosis was the commonest presentation. One hundred and sixty-four patients (96 female and 68 male) underwent surgery...

Carcinoid tumours

This is a retrospective review of 28 patients with carcinoid tumours affecting the orbit. The mean age at presentation of the orbital involvement was 62 years, with a slight female preponderance, and 21% had carcinoid syndrome. Proptosis and diplopia were...

Comparison of two visual acuity test versions for different distances in a paediatric population

The authors present the findings of a study which aimed to determine whether using 2 metre and 4 metre retro-illuminated ETDRS charts are comparable in children. Order of testing was standardised (right eye, left eye, binocular), however different charts were...

Association of pendular waveform and retinal disorders

The authors aimed to evaluate the relationship between retinal disorders and pendular low amplitude high frequency components (PLAHF) waveform by collecting nystagmus eye movement recordings, electroretinography (ERG) and gene tests. Retinal disorders were diagnosed by clinical phenotype and genotype characteristics....