The authors report a cross-sectional study which aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors for developing pingecula in a rural Chinese population near Shanghai. Nine hundred and fifty-nine persons were recruited from a single village and asked to complete a questionnaire detailing their medical and social history and were then examined by slit-lamp to determine whether pingecula were present. The prevalence was high with 75% of patients being found to have pingecula. Next the authors performed regression analysis to determine whether sex, educational attainment, smoking, alcohol consumption, tear break-up time, age or sunlight exposure might be associated with an increased risk of pingecula formation. Only the last two were found to be statistically associated (age p<0.002) and sunlight (more than two hours per day p<0.001).
Which factors predispose to pingecula development in a rural Chinese population?
Reviewed by Jonathan C P Roos
Prevalence and associated factors of pinguecula in a rural population in Shanghai, Eastern China.
Jonathan CP Roos
Harvard, Cambridge & Moorfields-trained Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon and academic based in London at Publishes in the world’s leading medical journals and lectures internationally on aesthetics, eyelid diseases and thyroid eyes.
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