The authors compared eye movement performance during reading in strabismic children without amblyopia and in non-strabismic age-matched children in addition to evaluation of potential effect of strabismus surgery. They studied nine children aged 11-15 years; mean 12.9±0.6 years. Ten healthy controls had a mean age of 12.9±0.5 years, with normal reading speeds. For strabismic children, duration of reading was shorter under dominant eye viewing than under binocular viewing. Strabismic children had longer duration of fixation than non-strabismic children did. Eight children aged 11-15 years were tested at six months post strabismus surgery. Their reading speed improved; reading was faster by about 23 words per minute. Total time of reading improved under binocular eye viewing alone with significant improvement in duration of fixation. The number of backward saccades during reading under binocular eye viewing significantly decreased. This study shows that eye movements during reading are different between strabismic and non-strabismic children. The authors propose a positive effect of eye realignment on reading skills.

Preliminary study: impact of strabismus and surgery on eye movements when children are reading.
Fievez FP, Lions C, Bucci MP.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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