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The objective of this study was to assess the results of partial recessions of the vertical rectus muscles in patients with diplopia and small angle vertical strabismus. This was a retrospective study of partial temporal or nasal recession from one of the superior rectus or inferior rectus muscle. The study included 17 patients aged 69.11 years ±8.24. Forty-seven percent were female and 29.41% had an operated right eye (70.58% operated left eye). Distance vertical angle was 6.11 ±1.86PD in primary gaze. Eleven had superior rectus surgery and size had inferior rectus surgery. Recessions were 4.14 ±0.42mm. At follow-up, angles reduced to 2.05 ±2.48PD at distance. Success was noted in 76.47% with follow-up of 10 ±6.23 months. There were no over corrections. Four cases had poor outcome due to under correction and three needed a second surgery. One case was managed with prisms. The authors acknowledge the limitations of this retrospective study with short follow-up for some and the group being heterogenous. They conclude surgery is successful for most cases and therefore can be considered as a surgical option for small angle vertical strabismus.

Surgical treatment for small-angle vertical strabismus.
Sanz PM, Osuna V, Gomez de Liano Sanchez P, Torres HED.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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