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This is a retrospective comparison of the survival of StopLoss Jones tubes with conventional Lester Jones tubes. Between 2014 and 2016, 31 StopLoss and 59 Lester Jones tubes were inserted. The authors compared the extrusion and sinking-in rates between the StopLoss tubes and the conventional tubes, and also with previous conventional tubes inserted into the eyes that had StopLoss tubes. The extrusion rate of the StopLoss tubes was significantly less than the conventional tubes. The sinking-in rates were higher for the StopLoss tubes, but not significantly so. Patients requiring a StopLoss tube had significantly higher rates of complex medial canthal problems, and the review has improved survival times with the StopLoss tubes for these patients. The authors discuss the increased sinking-in rate, which is most likely due to pulling on the tube from the silicon flange as the nasal mucosa swells. They suggest that increasing the mucosal to flange gap from 2mm to 4mm may reduce this effect. This is a useful study providing good longer-term survival data for the relatively new StopLoss tubes, and advocates their use particularly in patients with complex medial canthi.

Long-term outcomes of StopLoss Jones Tubes for epiphora in patients with early or multiple loss of Lester Jones Tubes.
Timlin HM, Jiang K, Mathewson P, et al.
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James Hsuan

Aintree University Hospital, Liverpool, UK.

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