This is a retrospective study of paediatric uveitis (<16-years-old) between July 2002 to June 2016 of a total of 320 children from a single centre: 17.2 % (55/320 patients) developed raised IOP requiring therapy; 11.5% of eyes required glaucoma surgery at one year increasing to 50% by five years (24 Baerveldt tubes and two Molteno tubes and two augmented trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C procedures). The best corrected visual acuity at diagnosis of uveitis was 0.26+/-0.42 logMAR and remained at 0.28+/-0.65 logMAR at final follow-up visit. The mean age at diagnosis of uveitis and at first recorded raised IOP was 8.2 and 10.8 years respectively. The mean pre-treatment IOP was 32.3mmHg and the IOP at the final visit was 15.5mmHg (median follow-up period was 43.7 months) on a median number of zero medications. Four eyes of four patients fulfilled World Health Organization (WHO) blindness criteria. The authors recommended regular long-term follow-up especially high risk cases (chronic uveitis, young age at diagnosis and the use of acetazolamide to control IOP) and early surgical intervention.