This is a retrospective study of paediatric uveitis (<16-years-old) between July 2002 to June 2016 of a total of 320 children from a single centre: 17.2 % (55/320 patients) developed raised IOP requiring therapy; 11.5% of eyes required glaucoma surgery at one year increasing to 50% by five years (24 Baerveldt tubes and two Molteno tubes and two augmented trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C procedures). The best corrected visual acuity at diagnosis of uveitis was 0.26+/-0.42 logMAR and remained at 0.28+/-0.65 logMAR at final follow-up visit. The mean age at diagnosis of uveitis and at first recorded raised IOP was 8.2 and 10.8 years respectively. The mean pre-treatment IOP was 32.3mmHg and the IOP at the final visit was 15.5mmHg (median follow-up period was 43.7 months) on a median number of zero medications. Four eyes of four patients fulfilled World Health Organization (WHO) blindness criteria. The authors recommended regular long-term follow-up especially high risk cases (chronic uveitis, young age at diagnosis and the use of acetazolamide to control IOP) and early surgical intervention.

Incidence, management and outcome of raised intraocular pressure in childhood-onset uveitis at a tertiary referral centre.
Tan SZ, Yau K, Steeples LR, et al.
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Jonathan Chan

Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK.

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