The purpose of this study was to determine preoperative factors that affect postoperative stereopsis in patients with acquired partially accommodative esotropia (APAET). This retrospective study was undertaken over a five-year period. Eighty-four subjects had surgery for APAET and 57 met the inclusion criteria for this study. Surgery was by bilateral medial rectus recessions. Twenty-four had final stereopsis of >100”. Thirty-three achieved stereopsis <100” and eight regained foveal fixation with stereopsis >60”. Children achieving stereopsis >100” took 4.4±3.4 months to develop stereopsis. Those with stereopsis <100” took 8.0±5.8 months to develop stereopsis, if any. Factors affecting achievement of good stereopsis versus those with poorer stereopsis include a mean age at onset of strabismus of 31.8±12.9 months vs. 23.8±10 months, being referred at an older age (51.8±17.5 vs. 42.5±22 months), being seen in clinic at an older age (54.2±17.9 months vs. 44.1±22 months), and having surgery later (61.9±18.9 vs. 51.2±22.8 months). However, none of the latter factors were significant. Only age at onset of strabismus had statistical significance for final stereopsis level.
Factors indicating better stereopsis for APAET
Review by Fiona Rowe
Preoperative factors affecting stereopsis after surgical alignment of acquired partially accommodative esotropia.
Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.
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