Complications of surgery for Brown syndrome include under correction, extrusion of expanders and training for surgery. The authors introduced a procedure with minimal side-effects, accompanied by the application of the native tendon for superior oblique elongation. This was a prospective pilot study of congenital Brown syndrome. The surgery gives elongation of about 10mm. Fourteen patients (15 eyes) were included aged 3-20 years. Follow-up was 10-16 months duration. The mean preoperative horizontal angle was 4.7±10.4 divergence which reduced to 3.3±8.1 divergence. Mean preoperative vertical angle was 16.2±5.5 hypotropia which reduced to 5.8±3.9. Mean preoperative duction limitation was -7.2±4.5 which reduced to -1.8±1.3. The abnormal head posture improved postoperatively. One patient was under corrected’ 53% had excellent results, 40% acceptable results and 6.7% were under corrected. Clinical success was achieved in 93.3%.
Brown’s syndrome surgery
Reviewed by Fiona Rowe
The results of Brown syndrome surgery with superior oblique split tendon lengthening.
Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.
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