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While corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment in giant cell arteritis (GCA), the type, dose, route and duration of treatment remains controversial. The authors surveyed 180 neuro-ophthalmologists on their use of this treatment via email in a two-month period. Results showed that, for patients with acute visual loss, 52% would use intravenous (IV), 46% would use IV or oral and 2% would use oral corticosteroids. In terms of dosage, 73% would use 500 to 1000mg IV methylprednisolone. For patients without acute visual loss, 67% would use the oral route, 30% IV or oral and 3% IV route of treatment. In this group, 75% would use 1.0 to 1.5mg/kg oral prednisolone. In summary, the survey results suggest a majority consensus for route and dose and confirm conventional recommendations for high dose IV corticosteroids for GCA with visual loss and lower dose oral regimes for GCA without visual loss.


Corticosteroid usage in giant cell arteritis.
Kanakamedala A, Hussain M, Kini A, et al.
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Claire Howard

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Salford, UK.

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