Microtropia as an amblyopia indicator

This study was undertaken to determine if microtropia with identity (straight eye anisometropia) is a reliable indicator of amblyopia following optical correction. This was a retrospective review of 532 children aged four to five years. After two months of glasses...

15 prism test for anisometropic amblyopia

The authors aimed to investigate the accuracy of the 15^ base in prism test (BIPT) in detecting amblyopia in anisometropic patients. This was a retrospective study in which the 15^BI was placed before the right eye followed by the left...

Choroidal thickness in strabismus and amblyopia

The authors examined the effect of exotropia, esotropia, anisometropic amblyopia and hypermetropia on choroidal thickness in a prospective cross section study. The study included 100 patients and 20 controls with a mean age of 8.5±2.9 years; 61 female and 59...