You searched for "vitreo-retinal"

277 results found

OCT in proliferative diabetic retinopathy

This report set out to describe the anatomical relationships between retinal neovascular complexes (NVC), the posterior vitreous, and the vitreoretinal interface in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy using spectral domain OCT. The following was recorded for each NVC 1) posterior...

Inflammatory macular holes

The authors present a case of closure of a full thickness macular hole in a patient with Behçet’s disease, without surgery. The 23-year-old male they describe presented with a history of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers and a genital ulcer. Ocular...

Ophthalmology elective: a local experience

Dr Rajan Sondh talks about medical electives and how he believes they are an opportunity to explore career interests, giving undergraduates an opportunity to develop skills in areas that they wouldn’t normally encounter on placements. Typically, electives are taken abroad,...

The vitreoretinal priesthood

When I first started doing cataract lists, the consultant at the time, a Mr Brown from Carmarthen, used to say that phacoemulsification was more akin to flying a jet fighter for short dangerous bombing runs than a boring long haul...

Sickle cell eye disease: an overview of vitreoretinal complications and their surgical management

Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic disorder worldwide and is associated with lifelong anaemia, intermittent pain and multi-organ morbidity. Ocular involvement can be associated with significant visual impairment due to the complications of proliferative sickle retinopathy (PSR). Occasionally...

On becoming a man

It was at the height of the gender debate, with Donald Trump banning transsexuals from serving in the US army and parts of the first world indulging in controversies on whether separate transgender toilets are needed, that a 40-year-old lady,...

Vitreomacular traction: natural course vs. vitrectomy vs. ocriplasmin

Over time, the vitreous gel completely separates from the retina in a process known as a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). In some instances, however, the vitreous does not detach entirely and remains adherent to the macula. The term vitreomacular traction...

FEVR characteristics

The authors report a series of 16 cases of familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) in Northern Ireland (NI) to characterise the genetic patterns and identify other common characteristics relevant for current and future practice. This was a retrospective study including 12...

Line-up confirmed for Eye News Symposium!

We are delighted to confirm an excellent line-up of speakers and topics for the Eye News Symposium, taking place in Glasgow on Sunday 20 January.

Eye Surgeons of the Future

Who and where are the eye surgeons of the year 2040? Chien Wong reports from a London school's Careers Fair.

50 Studies Every Ophthalmologist Should Know

This book features a compilation of 50 important clinical studies that have left a profound impact on the current clinical practice of ophthalmology. From the 1980 botulinum toxin injection study by AB Scott to the United Kingdom Glaucoma Treatment Study...

Rebound phenomenon after IVT triamcinolone acetonide for macular oedema

In this retrospective study, the authors report the rebound phenomenon after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) injection for macular oedema secondary to diabetic retinopathy (DR) and central (CRVO) or branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). The incidence of a rebound phenomenon was...