You searched for "myasthenia"

146 results found

Being more consistent with screening for convergence insufficiency

This prospective cases series aimed to identify the average values and sensitivity of clinical measurements of convergence to aid diagnosis of convergence insufficiency (CI). Children and adults presenting over a two-year period with symptoms including diplopia when reading, headache with...

Advances in cataract surgery

This article covers recent clinical findings in mydriasis and anaesthesia for cataract surgery, shared by Sathish Srinivasan and Keith Davey at a surgical meeting in Manchester. Towards dropless cataract surgery Day case cataract surgery is the standard of care in...

Reducing postop nausea and vomiting

This study adopted an aggressive prophylactic anti postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) regime with retrospective review of patient outcomes. Of 794 adult strabismus procedures, 31 (4%) had PONV. Median post-anaesthetic recovery was 45 minutes. Prolonged recovery was associated with long-term...

Childhood glaucoma

When a child is given a diagnosis of glaucoma, the impact upon that child and their family is enormous; equivalent to the diagnosis of a cancer [14]. This article outlines the knowledge, techniques and approaches that offer solutions to the...

Pain score assessment in babies undergoing treatment for ROP

The aim of this study was to assess neonatal pain scores during laser treatment for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) under sub-tenon anaesthetic with oral or rectal sedation. Sixty-two babies were included who have had ROP laser treatment over a seven...

GA position of eyes

The authors assessed eye position based on the corneal reflex position (Hirschberg test) using a standardised measurement on pictures taken at the preoperative evaluation and under general anaesthesia (GA) in 41 patients. The mean ocular deviation taken at the preoperative...

Adjustment under topical anaesthesia in children

This is a study of 19 cases of strabismus surgery using topical aesthetic and intraoperative adjustment in selected children. The study included 14 males and five females with mean age of 12.68 ±2.5 years (range 8-16). Five were esotropia and...

Speculum use increases IOP in newborn measurements

The authors aimed to investigate the effect on using an eyelid speculum (Barraquer wire eyelid speculum) on IOP measurement in newborns with a mean age of 37 weeks under topical anesthesia. Mean gestational age at birth and mean post-conceptual age...

An alternative to povidone-iodine for intravitreal injections?

While povidone-iodine (5% aqueous) preparations have historically been considered the most effective antimicrobial prophylaxis for ophthalmic procedures and have been adopted as routine for intravitreal injections, post-procedure pain is a commonly recognized adverse event of IVI and has typically been...

Lateral rectus transposition for vertical rectus muscle palsy

This study reports the surgical outcomes of patients with vertical rectus palsy in whom the vertical duction deficit is worse in abduction than in adduction. The procedure involved lateral rectus belly transposition without muscle splitting or disinsertion. The lateral rectus...

Diplopia after cataract surgery – risk factors

The risk factors for binocular diplopia after uncomplicated cataract surgery in adults were studied to analyse the patterns of ocular motility and clinical causes. This was a retrospective review of 40 patients; 25 female. Onset of diplopia was at a...

Doctor at large

“In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the… Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone…?” In this memorable scene, the monotonous...