You searched for "hypermetropia"

233 results found

Is it worth performing cataract surgery in amblyopic eyes?

It was estimated that about 3% of all cataract surgeries in adults were performed in eyes that have pre-existing amblyopia, and there is a long-standing belief that eyes with amblyopia have limited benefit from cataract extraction in the adult age....

Use of orthoK for myopia treatment

This article provides an updated literature review on the orthkeratology effect on myopia progression considering outcome measures, potential effect modifiers, mechanisms and current prescription concerns. The discussion centres on the extent of slowed myopia progression, mechanisms, safety concerns and comparisons...

Fifteen-year results of phakic artisan IOL for hyperopia correction

This retrospective review of a cohort of 61 eyes from 32 patients offers long-term results for phakic Artisan (Ophtec BV) iris-fixated phakic IOL (IF-pIOL). The mean age at surgery was 41.6 years with a range of 25-59 years. Refractive outcomes...

Changes in refractive error in patients with accommodative esotropia after being weaned from hyperopic correction

This is a retrospective review of medical records of 47 patients with refractive ocular accommodative esotropia who achieved emmetropisation and orthotropia without hyperopic glasses correction and were followed up for at least three years. The objective of the study is...

Prevalence and risk factors for ROP in Saudi Arabia

This study aimed to establish the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) among high-risk neonates in a tertiary centre, identify the most commonly associated risk factors and highlight the benefits of early treatment of type 2 ROP and ROP milder...

Meeting the needs of older patients in optics

Fiona Anderson discusses the important role of community-based eyecare practitioners in meeting the visual needs of ageing patients. It has been well documented that today we live for longer. Statistics show in 1997, around one in every six people (15.9%)...

Oct/Nov 2015 Quiz

History A 16-year-old female presents with bilateral ocular irritation. The patient has a history of seasonal rhinitis and eczema and complains of itchy eyes, especially during the summer months. Examination shows bilateral mucoid discharge, conjunctival injection and eversion of both...

Translucent vs. lightproof occluders

This study investigates the change in visual acuity following occlusion in amblyopes and non-amblyopes using translucent versus lightproof occlusion of the dominant eye. Group 1 non-amblyopes consisted of 26 subjects: 16 visually normal and 10 strabismic or anisometropic subjects without...

Video game play as amblyopia treatment adjunct

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of monocular video game play as a supplement to occlusion therapy in the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia (AA). This was a prospective study of 68 patients aged six to 14...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...

Dark circles and facial rejuvenation

A 45-year-old socialite lady comes for cosmetic consultation and wants a remedy for dark circles and facial ageing. How do you manage this patient? Issues of dark circles and facial ageing should be addressed separately. Facial ageing should be considered...

Pseudostrabismus leading to strabismus

The authors aimed to evaluate the incidence of strabismus in children initially diagnosed with pseudostrabismus and identify risk factors for development of strabismus. This was a retrospective review of 65 patients with a diagnosis of pseudostrabismus; two exo and 63...