You searched for "COVID-19"

254 results found

Impact of COVID-19 on primary retinal detachments

This study aimed to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation characteristics, timings, and surgical decisions for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). The cohort included all patients who presented to a Portuguese centre over a two-year period,...

Eye News - Covid-19: Useful resources

This list will be updated as new sources of information emerge – let us know if there’s any resources we should be listing here by emailing

COVID-19: Pete’s Bogus Journey

The author shares his personal experience of contracting coronavirus. I managed to body swerve COVID-19 for nine months. The Pfizer vaccine was being rolled out in my trust. I had my first inoculation booked in three weeks. I had survived...

Technology for remote working and COVID-19 resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of how we live, and how healthcare needs to be provided for the welfare of patients and staff. I thought I would try to summarise a few potential technology tools that could be...

The ocular manifestations of COVID-19: an overview of current literature

Although respiratory symptoms are the most frequent manifestation of COVID-19, multi-organ involvement has been demonstrated, including ocular manifestations. The author investigates how the eye can be affected. The SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a significant public...

COVID-19 and the eye: a review of ocular involvement and protective strategies

A lot of attention has been placed on the use of face coverings to limit COVID-19 transmission, but there has been less focus on ocular involvement and ocular protection strategies. The author reviews the literature and discusses possible solutions. The...

The COVID-19 ‘frontlines’: a foundation doctor’s perspective

Staring through the fragmented stained glass of the Virgin Mary and her assorted angels, I reflected on the strangeness of the workplace I now found myself working in and the irony of a workforce now working together more enthusiastically than...

Microdroplet and splatter contamination during phacoemulsification in COVID-19 era

Half a millilitre of fluorescein was incorporated into 400ml of balanced salt solution to identify microdroplet and splatter from phacoemulsification to simulate possible COVID-19 contamination. Five porcine eyes were mounted to an ophthalmic mannequin head and two surgeons (height 189cm,...

Optimising an acute eye service in the current COVID-19 crisis

With the current global pandemic of COVID-19 we have all had to redesign and reorganise our normal working practices. Non-urgent hospital work has been postponed to allow redistribution of resources, redeployment of hospital staff and to reduce the risk of...

Association between COVID-19 restrictions and accelerated myopia progression

A retrospective case review aimed to evaluate the association between home confinement and progression of myopia in Argentina during 2020. Data was collected using an online survey of ophthalmologists throughout Argentina. The inclusion criteria included being five to 18-years-old, found...

The posterior capsular rupture rate post COVID-19 pandemic

In this retrospective single centre consecutive case series, the authors investigate the effect of suspending elective cataract surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic for a period of 19 weeks. They divided the study period, September 2019 to January 2021, into three...

Impact of COVID-19 on orthoptic services during a recovery phase

The purpose of this study was to conduct a follow-up survey of orthoptic practice in the UK and Ireland during the summer 2020 interim recovery phase of the pandemic. This was a prospective cross-sectional survey from July 1 2020 to...