You searched for "ophthalmologist"

2448 results found

Case reports of neuro-ophthalmological complications of CIPD

The authors present three cases of neuro-ophthalmological complications of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIPD). CIPD can lead to prominent nerve hypertrophy which can mimic other forms of neuropathy radiologically. In addition, complications can occur which can cause diagnostic difficulties. All...

British Council for Prevention of Blindness has a new Chairman

BCPB’s new Chairman Mr Michael Burdon FRCOphth FRCP is a consultant ophthalmologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with a specialist interest in neuro-ophthalmology.

Significant associations to presence of significant retinal haemorrhages in suspected child abuse

The authors aimed to extract statistically significant associations between non-ocular clinical and diagnostic imaging findings and the presence of significant retinal haemorrhages, and then develop an evidence-based screening algorithm to determine when to consult an ophthalmologist in suspected child abuse...

The Duke Elder Exam of Ophthalmology: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

The Duke Elder Exam is an annual competitive national undergraduate exam organised by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. This two-hour exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and examines clinical ophthalmology, ocular physiology, anatomy, pathology, genetics and socio-economic medicine related...

Multimodal Retinal Imaging

Understanding of rapidly advancing retinal imaging techniques is important as they have changed the management of retinal conditions considerably. Interpretation of these tests is a vital skill in the armamentarium of every practising ophthalmologist. The book is directed at general...

Hydroxychloroquine toxicity

Being the subject of litigation is stressful and upsetting. Having to look back over your previous decisions and justify the care you delivered in good faith can be difficult. Sadly, we all live with the Sword of Damocles above us...

Psychiatric Consequences of Ophthalmic Disease

In part two of this series on ophthalmology and psychiatry, the authors will cover the possible psychiatric consequences of ophthalmic disease. The following conditions will be discussed: a. Black patch psychosis b. Psychological state in blindness c. Phobias in the...

Corectopia grading

The authors present a novel corectopia classification system using 28 eyes of 28 patients with or without corectopia. The grading and classification system for corectopia was as follows: (i) Direction of decentration: superior (DecS), superonasal (DecSN), nasal (DecN), inferonasal (DecIN),...

Celebrating eight years of the nurse-led intravitreal injection service

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London celebrated the eighth year of its nurse-led intravitreal (IVT) injection service in 2020. In collaboration with Beaver-Visitec International (BVI), Moorfields’ comprehensive one-day course for non-medical staff has blossomed into a thriving success....

Medical Ophthalmological Society (MOSUK) Meeting: 22 March 2023

This year’s meeting takes place on 22 March 2023, and showcases the interdisciplinary breadth of medical ophthalmology.

Dr Sohaib Rufai awarded European Award in Medicine for Ophthalmology

Dr Sohaib Rufai has been awarded the 2022 European Award in Medicine for Ophthalmology. He led the world’s first study using handheld OCT to predict future vision in infantile nystagmus.

Michael Burdon to begin term of office as a BCPB Trustee

Michael Burdon begins his term of office as a BCPB Trustee in July 2020, and in October 2020 will become Chairman of the Council when Paul Hunter retires after six years.