You searched for "inflammation"

1664 results found

Prevalence and incidence of uveitis

Uveitis encompasses a group of diseases characterised by the inflammation of fovea uvea which are potentially vision threatening. However, the frequency of this condition is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to provide estimates of the frequency of uveitis...

Evaluation of fluocinolone acetonide in the management of BRC

This is a single-centre, retrospective, intervention study of 15 eyes of birdshot retinochoroiditis (BRC) patients who received Iluvein, with a mean follow-up period of 31 months. Five eyes had previously received dexamethasone intravitreal implant 0.7mg (Ozurdex). Fluorescein angiography (FA) showed...

Presenting and diagnostic signs of retinoblastoma

This study revisits the presenting signs of retinoblastoma (RB) in the context of current best practice with respect to diagnosis and assessment of RB. This was a retrospective review of 131 consecutive cases, excluding those with positive family history over...

Diagnostic and prognostic roles of serum interleukin-6 in patients with uveitis

This is a retrospective observational case series investigating the diagnostic and prognostic role of serum interleukin (IL)-6 in patients with uveitis involving 80 patients – 60 patients (75%) with normal IL-6 levels and 20 patients (25%) with high IL-6 levels....

Clinical features of ocular syphilis

The study looked at 24 patients (20 males, four females) with serological evidence of syphilitic infection who presented to a tertiary ophthalmic centre. Ocular involvement was the first manifestation of syphilitic disease in 96% and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) seropositivity...

A novel presentation of optic disc oedema with syphilis

Optic disc oedema (ODE) due to syphilis without visual compromise has been primarily attributed to papilloedema from raised intracranial pressure or optic perineuritis from optic nerve sheath inflammation. These terms were proposed before magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was largely available....

IgG4-related disease or Graves orbitopathy

This is retrospective review of patients who had been diagnosed with both IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) and Graves orbitopathy over a four year period. Eight patients were identified. The diagnosis of IgG4-ROD was based on 10 or more IgG4+ plasma...

Use of amniotic membrane in second stage Hughes tarsocunjunctival reconstruction

This is a retrospective, non-comparative interventional case series of 30 patients who underwent amniotic membrane transplantation to lower lid margin as part of Hughes lid reconstruction to prevent a hyperaemic, hypertrophic conjunctival margin with excessive discharge. Patients undergoing more than...

MISS vs. conventional surgery

This was a prospective randomised parallel arm design study for 40 patients. Group 1 consisted of conventional strabismus surgery using the limbal approach and group 2 consisted of minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS). Mean age was 21.1±2.73 years for MISS...

Corneal stroma modelling under hypoxic conditions

The cornea is exposed to hypoxia under several conditions including sleep, inflammation and wound healing. Being an avascular tissue to maintain transparency, how the cornea homeostatic controls oxygen tension is important. To address this process two models were utilised; a...

Medical malpractice in uveitis: a review of clinical entities and outcomes

This paper presents a retrospective review of malpractice verdicts, rulings and settlements in the United States. Twenty-five cases of uveitis-related litigation spanning 1971-2014 were identified from the database representing 2.3% of all cases. Forty-eight percent of the cases were infectious....

Uveitic glaucoma

The purpose of this retrospective study from two tertiary Institutions in Israel over a period of 13 years, is to present the long-term outcomes of uveitic glaucoma and to identify risk factors for progression. The study included 34 patients (53...