Book Reviews archive for December 2018
Vitreoretinal Disease: Diagnosis, Management and Clinical Pearls (second edition)
A comprehensive, well-illustrated and highly informative resource providing excellent descriptions of vitreoretinal diseases, their presentation, diagnosis and management. The 40 chapters are grouped into four sections, namely: the Anatomy and Physiology of the vitreous, retina, choroid and retinal pigment epithelium;...
Clearly: How a 700 year old invention can change the world forever
“If you are reading this, there’s a one in two chance that you’re doing so with a pair of glasses or contact lenses. Just imagine what your life would be like without them.” Most of the people living in this...
Ophthalmology (third edition)
If you are an ophthalmologist who enjoys books with coloured pictures, you’re no lone wolf. The third edition of Lang’s Ophthalmology will definitely pique your primal ophthalmologist instincts. You will be drawn to its soft-bound yet sturdy looking exterior. Flicking...