Impact of Eye Health Surveys and Partnerships in The Gambia
This article brings together the three national eye health surveys that have been undertaken in The Gambia between 1986 and 2019 and the impact that the results have had nationally and internationally. In it we describe the long-term capacity-strengthening for...
Retinoblastoma – the challenges of a rare cancer and the role of international partnerships
Introduction: the global challenge The global burden of retinoblastoma (Rb) is one in 15,000-18,000 live births, which equates to 8000 new cases worldwide each year. The global disparities in Rb outcome represent a paradigm of health inequality worldwide [1]. In...
The ROP Network: a south-south collaboration to improve care for premature babies
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disorder of the immature preterm retina and a leading cause of preventable, irreversible blindness in children. There are 15 million preterm births annually, and over 32,000 neonates became blind from ROP in 2010 [1]....
Second sight: Ian McKinley
I have always been captivated by a true-life story demonstrating the human spirit of triumph over adversity. For me, one of the most memorable sportsmen overcoming an injury has always been the mountaineer Joe Simpson and his tale of survival...
The New Zealand National Eye Centre and the land of the long white cloud
Located southeast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand (Aotearoa) is home to five million culturally diverse people. Renowned for its lush nature spanning from unexplored forests to active volcanos and snow-capped mountains, New Zealand has become both...
Where are they now?
The Eye News and University of Edinburgh teams last met up with Zomba-based Dr Chinsisi Namate Nyirenda, in Glasgow, May 2022, when she was a member of The Ophthalmological Society of Malawi’s delegation to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual...
Work experience in ophthalmology as an A-Level student
Importance of work experience Medical schools expect applicants to understand what a career in medicine involves, which can be gained through work experience and volunteering. It is strongly recommended by the Medical Schools Council that work experience involves working in...
Competition ratios: Is the future of ophthalmology too bright?
In the UK, ophthalmology is a highly competitive speciality, attracting many medical graduates keen to pursue a career in this area. However, in recent years, the competition ratios for ophthalmology ST1 training posts have increased significantly, creating a challenging environment...
Implications of missed foreign bodies under the upper eyelid
Children aren’t the best historians. As a result, clinicians sometimes rely on the accounts of parents regarding problems. Missed foreign bodies due to poor histories or incomplete examinations may result in irreversible loss of vision. This case report shines light...
Uveal melanoma
Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular tumour. However, they are still rare, with an incidence of 2-8 per million [1]. The presence of a choroidal naevus is a risk factor for uveal melanoma [1]. Patients with choroidal lesions...
My top five: Uses of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a prominent topic of discussion within the field of ophthalmology, captivating researchers and practitioners alike. Although recent attention has been drawn to the integration of AI in ophthalmology, it’s important to recognise that AI...
The last three patients: dermatology (Patient Three)
For the third and final reflection in this series (see Part 1 and Part 2), Professor Jonathan Rees recounts his experience of a patient with cancer who was failed by the NHS, and how their inadequate treatment illuminates some issues...