You searched for "visual acuity"

79 results found

Smartphone based visual acuity

Smartphone technology is becoming widely available to all age groups and settings. Apps using Snellen acuity charts are widely available and this study evaluated the equivalence of a smartphone-based visual acuity chart with a standard 6m Snellen visual acuity (6SVA)...

E-Dobson card for visual acuity

The authors assessed the utility of an electronic Dobson acuity card which can be altered for spatial frequency. Thirty-six infants and toddlers aged 5-36.7 months were recruited – equal females and males. Fourteen had high refractive error. The card is...

Computerised visual acuity measurements in AMD

The aims of this study were to investigate whether half-letter width spacing in COMPlog algorithms had an adverse effect on agreement in patients with AMD with the ETDRS chart. Fifty adult participants with AMD took part with a median age...

Visual acuity conversion to digital acuity

The author proposes a basic set of evidence-based digital acuities for alpha vision to facilitate formatting of visual acuity data uniformly. This work was informed by a review of the literature. A full table provides US and international classification of...

Comparing visual acuity to visual demand levels in classrooms

This study investigated the actual logMAR and contrast sensitivity demands in a cross-sectional sample of kindergarten through grade 12 classrooms in New York city. This was done to consider the potential benefit in optimising the specificity of visual acuity-based screening...

Comparison of visual acuity testing in clinic versus at home

The authors present a prospective cohort study including children aged three to 12-years-old with and without ocular pathology. Visual acuity was assessed using both an M&S Smart System in clinic, using different protocols depending on the age of the child....

Visual acuity after cataract surgery in AMD patients

The data from this study are obtained from the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) 2 and analysed to evaluate if cataract surgery benefits patients with concurrent age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The AREDS 2 was a five year, prospective, multi-centre randomised...

Prognostic factors for visual acuity in patients with LHON after gene therapy

This retrospective study investigates prognostic factors affecting the visual acuity after a single intravitreal injection of rAAV2-ND4 gene therapy in 53 patients with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) with mutation at site 11 778. Patients were reviewed one and three...

Visual acuity outcomes in Coat’s disease by classification stage

This is a retrospective study of 160 consecutive patients with Coat’s disease under the Shields classification, with Snellen visual acuity (VA) pre and post treatment. Affected eyes were categorised based on the Shields classification: Stage 1: retinal telangiectasia onlyStage 2a:...

Comparison of two visual acuity test versions for different distances in a paediatric population

The authors present the findings of a study which aimed to determine whether using 2 metre and 4 metre retro-illuminated ETDRS charts are comparable in children. Order of testing was standardised (right eye, left eye, binocular), however different charts were...

Development of testing protocols for high and low contrast visual acuity

Dysfunction of the afferent visual system, characterised by impairments in high-contrast visual acuity (HCVA) and low-contrast visual acuity (LCVA) have been demonstrated in some neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. HCVA and LCVA are also potential quantitative...

Children’s visual acuity test without professional supervision

With increasing outpatient demand there has been an innovative shift to involve patients managing their own condition. This article compares visual testing carried out by an orthoptist with usual clinical methods, an orthoptist using the iSIGHT Test Pro and a...