You searched for "trainees"

918 results found

Overview of issues with provision of paediatric ophthalmology care

Previous reports have summarised a consistent decline in paediatric ophthalmology over the past 20 years with significant differences in mean salary compensation for paediatric ophthalmologists vs. other ophthalmology subspecialties. Many subsidise income by other non-paediatric work or retire early. With...

Exeter clinic manager wins VCHP Volunteer Award

Exeter VCHP clinic manager, Zoe Haigh, has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to the charity during the past six years.

Eye surgeon behind destroyed Gaza hospital is honoured with a special recognition award

A Manchester-based eye surgeon who has made it his life’s mission to provide internationally-renowned eye care for the people of occupied Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, has received a Health Champion Award from The Tropical Health & Education Trust (THET) at a special ceremony in London.

Your precious submission is awaited

It is one of the great trials of medical life trying to get things published. Where once upon a time a few case reports and being eighth author on a paper or two was more than sufficient to secure a...

COMMENT ON: Watch your back: Ergonomics and Ophthalmology

Jim Innes. Dear Editors, I write to congratulate Aadil Hussain on his excellent Trainees article “Watch your back: Ergonomics and Ophthalmology”. Please can I reassure him that, at least in the Yorkshire School of Ophthalmology, the importance of good posture...

Working smarter not harder: How to transform eyecare delivery in the United Kingdom (part 2)

Are we doing enough to meet the current demands on ophthalmic services? In part two of a two-part series (see Part 1 here), Rosalind Harrison explains how efficiency can be improved by setting up eye services in community hubs. The...

Factors affecting the success of canalicular repairs

This is a ten year retrospective review of 137 canalicular laceration repairs, looking for factors which affected the outcome. A successful outcome was defined as no epiphora at three months or more after removal of the stent. Overall the success...

RCOphth Annual Congress 2022 - Preview

Eye News previews the RCOphth Annual Congress 2022, as we look forward to the return of an in-person Congress for the first time since 2019. Follow updates and key events here.

The butterfly effect

One of the most fascinating aspects of being a consultant is seeing the workings of the machine that is medical training from the other side. For two years now I have taken part in the specialty recruitment interviews and it...

The approach to trabeculectomy postoperative complications

Performing a trabeculectomy is like giving birth to a baby. It may be traumatic and there is scope for devastating error but once the operation is completed only then does the real work begin. The bleb must be nurtured into...

The future of SLT?

For Feb/Mar 2024, we are looking at a recently released laser machine to perform direct SLT – selective laser trabeculoplasty (DSLT). Although SLT is well known, DSLT is sufficiently novel that a brief description is a good place to start....

Glaucoma-NET: a novel way of improving glaucoma management in sub-Saharan Africa

Background Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness worldwide [1]. People with untreated glaucoma suffer from irreversible, progressive loss of sight. The disease is characterised by progressive loss of visual field, with pathological cupping of the optic disc...