You searched for "procedure"

1091 results found

Graded Andersons procedure for nystagmus

The authors performed a recession of yoked muscles in patients with idiopathic infantile nystagmus (IIN) in a graded manner based on the amount of head turn. This was a retrospective case series of 37 patients; 26 males, 11 females aged...

Nishida procedure for VIcnp

This study reports results in treatment of complete sixth nerve palsy (VIcnp) by modified Hummelscheim (Nishida’s) procedure; vertical muscle halves after splitting were secured with anchoring sutures to the sclera with anchoring of only the temporal muscle margins to the...

Superior oblique tuck procedure

A retrospective study was conducted of superior oblique (SO) tuck as a primary and secondary surgery over a 25-year period involved 162 eyes of 162 patients. Two thirds were male. Mean age at surgery was 45.94 years. The left eye...

Needling procedure for failed bleb

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of needling with 5-FU after failed filtering procedures in the paediatric population. This was a retrospective review of 324 filtration surgeries in 265 children with 55 eyes (16.9%) undergoing needling...

Intravitreal injection (IVT) procedure pack

Surgitrac instruments offers IVT procedure pack IVT249P.

Whiteboard illustrations added to pre-surgery timeout procedure

The authors present results of a quality improvement initiative. A whiteboard illustrated with right and left eyes with views of the extraocular muscles was developed, the board also contained spaces for the patient’s name, deviation, versions and the procedure name....

Single-use cataract procedure sets from Surgitrac

Surgitrac instruments offers two new cataract procedure sets, ideal for the busy ophthalmologist.

Lateral tarsal strip versus Bick’s procedure in correction of eyelid malposition

The authors report a retrospective case series of patients, to evaluate the effectiveness of Lateral Tarsal Strip (LTS) and Bick’s procedure (lateral wedge resection) for all types of involutional lower eyelid malposition, at two centres between January 2012 and 2015....

Should we move towards procedure-specific consent forms?

The consent process represents the patient’s acceptance of the information provided to them and an agreement to undergo an intervention as suggested by a health professional. Effective doctor-patient communication, ensuring the succinct delivery of the necessary points in a way...

A short survey of the views of clinicians on the role of procedure-specific consent forms

Informed consent is an ethical and legal right of every patient [1]. It is essential that patients receive clear, concise and accurate information regarding the risks, benefits and alternatives to a potential intervention. In addition to this, the patient must...

Can a dose scale be calculated for the modified Harado-Ito procedure?

The aim of this study was to review the surgical outcomes of the Fells modified Harado-Ito procedure using a dose scale approach with long-term follow-up, and to evaluate the relationship between preoperative factors and final outcome. This was a retrospective...

A case report of cavernous sinus syndrome following dental procedure

This case report describes a patient presenting with painful diplopia as a consequence of root canal dental treatment. Following root canal treatment a non-resolving tooth pain led to a decision to extract the tooth, leading to onset of severe periorbital...