You searched for "lymphomas"

538 results found

Systemic rituximab immunotherapy in the management of primary ocular adnexal lymphoma single institutional experience

Ocular adnexal lymphomas constitute 2% of all non-Hodgkin’s disease and 5-15% of all extranodal lymphomas and are usually localised, low-grade and of B-cell origin. This opens them up to potential treatment with a systemic monoclonal antibody-based drug (rituximab) directed at...

Differentiating orbital tumours on MRI

This is a literature review examining the ability of specific MRI modalities to differentiate between benign and malignant tumours of the orbit. The authors identified 29 articles reporting diffusion weighted image (DWI) values and corresponding apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) for...

Systemic screening in adnexal lymphoma

This is a retrospective review of 119 patients diagnosed with ocular adnexal lymphoma, 85 of whom had primary adnexal disease and 34 had previously been diagnosed with lymphoma outside the ocular adnexa. Sixty-eight of the primary and 24 of the...

Ocular adnexal mantle cell lymphoma

In this study the authors compare primary ocular adnexal (OA) mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) with initially systemic MCL occurring over a 30-year period. MCL is a rare form of lymphoma accounting for 5-11% of OA lymphomas and therefore knowledge of...

Aug/Sep 2019 Quiz

History A 73-year-old female patient was referred for rapid growth of two new lesions on the face. She had past medical history of systemic lymphoma. On examination, there was a palpable mass over the left superior orbital region and the...

Chronic dacryocystitis?

Lacrimal drainage system tumours are rare and lymphomas account for less than 10% of these tumours [1]. Most patients presenting with lymphoma infiltration of the lacrimal drainage system have a history of previously diagnosed lymphoma elsewhere. We report a case...

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) of the lacrimal sac

The authors present a case series of three patients with known CLL, two of which presented with mass and epiphora and one case with epiphora alone. All three patients had initially being diagnosed and were treated for chronic dacryocystitis. Histopathological...

Disseminated cutaneous zoster – a masquerade

Reactivation of varicella zoster infection in the elderly commonly presents to ophthalmologists as herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO), affecting the Va trigeminal dermatome. In patients with impaired immunity, zoster infection occurs with increased severity and may be complicated by visceral and...

Diagnostic procedures in vitreoretinal lymphoma.

This paper presented a retrospective review of medical records of HIV negative immunocompetent patients diagnosed with vitreoretinal lymphoma between 1994 and 2012. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the type and number of diagnostic interventions required to confirm...

Quiz Dec/Jan 2020

History A 69-year-old female patient was referred to the uveitis clinic from her local district general hospital with a left posterior uveitis which had been unresponsive to high dose steroids. She had no other previous ophthalmic history nor significant systems...

Lacrimal drainage system malignancies

This retrospective case series looks at the rare cases of lacrimal drainage system malignancies. The authors have identified 14 patients in 24 years, at a tertiary referral centre in the Indian subcontinent. Many previous publications have found squamous cell carcinoma...

The presentation of natural killer / T cell lymphoma to the oculoplastic surgeon

The authors present three cases of periorbital extranodal natural killer / T cell lymphoma (ENKL). Ages were 20, 45 and 55. All of these patients presented with painless eyelid swelling and a history of sinus disease. One patient had persistent...