You searched for "forceps"

574 results found

Why Ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that deals with eye diseases and helps preserve vision. The ophthalmic community consists of a wide range of healthcare professionals who work together to address eye-related problems in many extraordinary ways. This article explores the...

Protecting and recovering from email hacking

Over the last 12 months I have received emails from more than 20 friends and acquaintances (mostly doctors) who didn’t send those emails. More often than not I find the emails in my ‘Spam’ folder as Gmail knows they are...

Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy: Changes in understanding of the disease over the last 25 years and how the UK is helping low-income countries tackle the challenges

Diabetes – a historical perspective Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease caused by inherited and / or acquired deficiency in production of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. Such a deficiency results in...

Working smarter not harder: How to transform eyecare delivery in the United Kingdom (part 1)

Are we doing enough to meet the current demands on ophthalmic services? In part one of a two-part series (see Part 2 here), Rosalind Harrison takes a look at how efficiency has been improved in eyecare services in the US....

PREVIEW: National Student Ophthalmology Conference (NSOC) 2024

The annual National Student Ophthalmology Conference (NSOC) will return for its third year running On Sunday, March 24th, in a virtual setting.

AOP welcomes Labour plan on primary care optometry

In a keynote health policy speech at the Institute for Government (IfG) annual conference, Karin Smyth MP committed to working with primary care optometry to reduce hospital waiting times.

The meaning of life

Supercomputer: “The answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything is…”Programmer: “Yes…?”Supercomputer: “42. It was a tough assignment”.Programmer: “42? Is that all you have got to show for seven and a half million years work?” In this...

Unravelling ocular motility

Ocular motility can often be a slightly abstract concept during the earlier years of ophthalmology training. A large variance on what embodies normality; mythical concepts like fusion and binocular vision, examination techniques that can be fiddly, and complex neuroanatomy all...

Erythropoietin in healing corneal epithelial defects in rabbits

Corneal epithelial defects heal slowly in patients with diabetes, limbal stem cell deficiency and severe chemical burns. Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein hormone that promotes red blood cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis of erythroid progenitors as well as nonhematopoietic cells. In...

Factors influencing the outcome of GT and TBT in PCG

This is a retrospective study between 2013 to 2016 of 452 eyes of patients </=12 years with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), who underwent either goniotomy (GT) (median age: six months, 120 eyes) or trabeculotomy (TBT) (median age: 5.2 months, 332...

IOL power calculation accuracy in childhood cataract surgery

Refractive outcomes in eyes after vitrectomy vary as the timing of cataract surgery may influence the outcome when done as staged surgery after vitreoretinal (VR) surgery or at the same time as VR surgery. The authors aimed to determine the...

Corneal stroma modelling under hypoxic conditions

The cornea is exposed to hypoxia under several conditions including sleep, inflammation and wound healing. Being an avascular tissue to maintain transparency, how the cornea homeostatic controls oxygen tension is important. To address this process two models were utilised; a...