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This is a single author textbook in its third edition that reflects the author’s extensive experience and also their detailed, methodical and organised approach to oculoplastic, orbital and lacrimal surgery. It is a widely known and popular textbook, not only for trainees in oculoplastic surgery, but also for trainee surgeons in maxillofacial, plastic and facial plastic surgery and also cosmetic physicians.

The third edition has been updated to include a video section covering common oculoplastic procedures, facial aesthetic procedures, approaches to the orbit and tips for examination.

It comprises a hard-back, high quality textbook and an online e-book which is easy to navigate through. Videos of surgical techniques are in high definition and very clear.

The textbook itself is arranged into seven sections and 29 chapters. It starts with the basic principles of oculoplastic surgery, covering preoperative assessment, anaesthetic considerations, general surgical techniques and the different suture materials and needle types. There is an excellent illustrated chapter on applied anatomy. This could have perhaps been updated to reflect more recent descriptions of anatomical structures.

The second section covers common oculoplastic conditions and the management of periocular tumours, thyroid eye disease related eyelid pathology and facial palsy in a clear logical fashion. Each condition is clearly illustrated with a summary of the pathology and relevant anatomy, tips for clinical assessment and options for surgical treatment. Each surgical technique is clearly described with photographs and illustrations and advice on postoperative care and potential complications. The care and attention to detail in this section is matched in subsequent sections covering aesthetic procedures, orbital surgery, lacrimal surgery, socket surgery and trauma.

The textbook focuses on a didactic manual approach rather than a discussion of options and a comprehensive review of techniques. Regardless of whether an experienced surgeon may differ in opinion regarding subtle nuances, this textbook is an excellent, contemporary summary and introduction to oculoplastic surgery. It also provides an excellent basis for learning techniques for oculoplastic procedures.

I would highly recommend this book for all ophthalmologists in training who are considering a career in oculoplastic surgery. It is detailed enough from which to learn basic techniques. This book would also be invaluable for maxillofacial, plastic and facial plastic surgeons who operate within the periocular region. It covers both standard and more complex procedures in a clear, concise fashion with excellent illustrations, photographs and videos.

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Raman Malhotra

Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, UK.

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