This book is suitable for all doctors, particularly ophthalmologists, who want to further their knowledge and understanding of retinal pathologies and keep up to date. The case-based format is effective in evoking an interactive approach to differential diagnosis. The tabulation of most likely, less likely and least likely cause of a clinical picture helps to stimulate the necessary thought process to reach possible or probable diagnoses.
The introductory chapter describes the retinal morphology in terms of imaging parameters of fundus fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, fundus autoflourescence, red free photography, colour photography and B scan ultrasonography.
Section two discusses retinal vascular diseases of diabetic retinopathy, vascular occlusions, macroaneurysm, hypertensive retinopathy, sickle cell retinopathy, ocular ischaemic syndrome, coats disease and retinopathy of prematurity. Section three discusses age-related macular degeneration and mimickers. Vitreoretinal interface abnormalities and diseases of vitreous are next described. Section five is dedicated to toxic and photic maculopathy. Sections six and seven deal with infectious and non-infectious uveitis respectively. Section eight covers hereditary disorders and section nine tackles neoplasms. The penultimate section describes the fundal face of trauma and the final section deals with the impact of various surgical complications, i.e. silicon oil emulsification, retained perflurocarbon, globe perforation due to local anaesthesia and suprachoroidal haemorrhage.
The authors have an impressive collection of pathology, beautifully amalgamated in each case study and laid out for educational purposes. This book is a comprehensive toolkit for diagnosing fundal diseases. Excellent diagnostic images and clearly laid out tables complement text. It is a good reference, useful in everyday clinics for trainees and the trained alike. Medical students, fellows and residents will all find this book equally useful. It can serve as a valuable bibliographic resource for libraries in medical institutes and hospitals.