Book Reviews
Eye Diseases in Hot Climates (Fifth Edition)
This book focuses on diseases and associated issues causing visual impairment and blindness in the low socio-economically developed parts of the world. The majority of these are preventable and treatable. The earlier chapters cover basic anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and...
Eye Surgery in Hot Climates (Fourth Edition)
The Fourth Edition of Eye Surgery in Hot Climates by William Dean and John Sandford-Smith has made a debut at a time when there is a surge of interest in global ophthalmology amongst novices and experts alike. Both authors have...
Ophthalmic DOPS and OSATS: The Handbook for Work-Based Assessments
The first thing to say is: “I wish I’d had this book when I was an ST1!” The number of work-based assessments (WBA) required during ophthalmic specialist training (OST) is a daunting prospect to trainee ophthalmologists, particularly ST1s with no...
The Eye in History
Amongst the numerous texts that are available, one occasionally encounters a history of ophthalmology. There is such rapid development of technology in recent years and one can get drawn into the minutiae of a particular subject, losing track of the...
Optical Coherence Tomography: A Clinical and Technical Update
This book is a comprehensive review of the clinical and scientific aspects of optical coherence tomography (OCT). The 255 pages are divided into 11 chapters, each written by a different group of authors. Part I provides viewpoints on the clinical...