The Eye in History

Amongst the numerous texts that are available, one occasionally encounters a history of ophthalmology. There is such rapid development of technology in recent years and one can get drawn into the minutiae of a particular subject, losing track of the...

Practical Handbook of OCT (Retina, Choroid, Glaucoma)

With the rapid development and expansion in the usage of optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology there is always demand for a new OCT publication on the bookshelves. The operation and acquisition skills required are more easily acquired than for the...

World Clinics in Ophthalmology Series: Innovations in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

This two volume publication about current innovations in primary open angle glaucoma has persevered to come out with a comprehensive review of the latest publications in the world of glaucoma. The list of contributors includes clinicians from the field of...

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