JOURNAL REVIEWED: American Journal of Ophthalmology
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How accurate is the supplement content in both generic and branded ophthalmology supplements?
This prospective cross-section study compared the concentrations of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Copper in five dietary supplements including both national and regional brands used for macular degeneration in the United States. They performed a comparative analysis using gas...
Risk factors for lens dislocation post cataract surgery
This retrospective cohort study in Korea assessed the risk factors for intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation. They used national data of 2,162,191 patients who had had cataract surgery between 2009 and 2016. They excluded any patient who had an IOL dislocation...
Visual field progression after glaucoma drainage device implantation
This retrospective interventional case series assessed changes to visual fields after implantation of a glaucoma drainage device (Baerveldt, Ahmed or Molteno Devices) between 2010 and 2015. A total of 106 eyes from 96 patients were included in the final analysis...