JOURNAL REVIEWED: Ocular Immunology and Inflammation | Retina | Acta Ophthalmologica
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Intravitreal triamcinolone for uveitic macular oedema
This paper from South Korea reports on a prospective, double blind, randomised clinical study designed to evaluate the additional benefit of intravitreal triamcinolone (TA) administration for noninfectious uveitic macular oedema as an adjunct therapy to systemic anti-inflammatory treatment. Patients were...
Ozurdex use in noninfectious uveitis
Burkholder et al. reported the practice patterns of 45 respondents of approximately 176 surveyed members of the American Uveitis Society regarding the use of the Ozurdex implant. Most respondents performed the injection in either a procedure (41.0%) or clinic (23.1%)...
Ozurdex wound leakage
This letter to the editor describes two cases of wound leakage after Ozurdex injection. The first case is a man who had four previous injections for an underlying diagnosis of chronic serpiginous choroiditis, who was also on a course of...