Trainees – Section Editor until Sep 2017 

The Learning Curve – Section Editor until December 2022

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No such thing as a free lunch

Rudyard Kipling was a very wise chap. He was in San Francisco towards the end of the 19th century and noticed that in some bars and saloons the house was giving away free lunches for every patron who first purchased...

Ophthalmology for Medical Students DVD

Medical students spend far too little time in clinical ophthalmology, barely a week in a whole five year course. A week usually taken up by learning very basic facts about the eye and about the specialty, which means that any...

White dot syndromes

It is fair to say that trainees and consultants who are not medical retina specialists are a bit scared of the so called retinal ‘white dot syndromes’. It is easy to understand why this is the case, as almost every...