JOURNAL REVIEWED: Experimental Eye Research

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Statins inhibit TGFβ2 mediated fibrotic response in astrocytes

Glaucoma is a common condition where increased ocular pressure can lead to death of retinal ganglion cells due to impaired drainage of fluid from the eye. One mechanism involved in glaucoma is remodelling of the extracellular matrix at the lamina...

Somatostatin protects retinal pericytes

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes, caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the retinal microvasculature. Mechanisms, such as oxidative stress and deposition of advanced glycation end products, leads to glial cell activation and neuronal apoptosis. Pericytes, contractile...

Importing iron to the retina

In the retina, iron is particularly critical for the visual phototransduction cascade. In the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), RPE65 activity leads to 11-cis-retinaldehyde, the photosensitive component of rhodopsin production and iron containing enzymes are necessary for disc replacement in photoreceptor...