You searched for "trainee"

1125 results found

Trainee personality types

Over the past two years I have attended quite a number of medical educational seminars and ‘workshops’ and have been a bit shocked at how out of kilter with reality the world of education seems to be now. It seems...

Virtual reality for the ophthalmic trainee

If you believe the tech blogs 2015 is the year of virtual reality. Industry experts believe this will be due to the potential commercial release of the poster boy of this new revolution, the Oculus Rift. This is a headset...

The writer: publishing my first book as a trainee

Medicine is very hierarchical. Indeed, Hippocrates himself laid the foundation of the apprenticeship that is medical training and while it is the noble duty of the boss to pass on information and ask for tasks to be undertaken as a...

Attending ophthalmology conferences as a foundation trainee: an eye-opener?

The benefits of attending specialty conferences for clinicians are numerous. For example, staying up to date with the latest advancements in the field and integrating these into clinical practice. However, foundation doctors are yet to enter a training pathway and...

Diagnostic error rates for ROP detection by trainee ophthalmologists

The purpose of this study was to characterise common errors in ROP diagnosis by ophthalmologists-in-training in the USA and Canada. Case acquisition was from a web-based system used for ROP assessment from which 20 cases were selected. Fifty-five trainees from...

Preparing for modern ophthalmic surgical training as a trainee

As a trainee in ophthalmology, every day you are learning more and more about the specialty. In addition, you will most likely be exploring the vast array of subspecialties that ophthalmology has to offer, and would probably be trying to...

How to pass the FRCOphth Part 1 as a foundation trainee: some practical tips

Attempting the FRCOphth Part 1 examination as a foundation trainee requires significant time and financial commitment. Unlike the MRCP and MRCS examinations, the curriculum of this exam does not overlap with the undergraduate syllabus. As such, it is a steep...

Demystifying external trainee selected components and out of programme experiences

If you don’t know your external TSCs from your OOPC/OOPT/OOPE/OOPR, then this article is for you. Trainee selected components (TSC) are College-approved periods of training, usually ranging from six months to a year (formally ASTO) of intensive subspecialty training in...

Diagnostic error rates for ROP detection by trainee ophthalmologist in middle-income countries

The purpose of this study was to describe errors in ROP diagnosis made by ophthalmologists-in-training from programmes in middle-income countries including Brazil, the Philippines and Mexico who participated in a tele-education programme. Trainees were tested on 20 cases from a...

A trainee’s guide on how to prepare for the digital age of ophthalmology

As the pandemic rolls on, the past year has left many ophthalmic departments in disarray with ever-lengthening patient waiting-lists and increasing challenges in service delivery. Areas such as virtual clinics, telephone / video consultations have had to mature rapidly to...

ST3 Trainee experience of cataract surgery training in high flow settings in the independent sector

As an ST3 trainee, I was provided with the opportunity to complete a surgical training rotation at Newmedica Middlesborough, which involved cataract training on NHS patients undergoing surgery in the independent sector (IS). This reflective account highlights the experience from...

Vitreous loss fire drills – ophthalmic simulation improves trainee surgical competence and confidence with posterior capsule rupture scenarios

Ophthalmic trainees have reported limited exposure and low confidence regarding the management of cataract complications such as posterior capsule rupture (PCR) / vitreous loss (VL). This report evaluates the impact of a simulation-based educational training event on these concerns. Introduction...