You searched for "screening"

1839 results found

Screening accuracy

In this study the authors observed whether and how well orthoptic tests are performed by non-orthoptists in a screening setting. They assessed the quality of screening tests by semi-structured observations of youth health care (YHC) physicians who screened children aged...

Screening for amblyopia

The purpose was to determine the validity of the OPTEC 5500 vision screener in detecting visual acuity and amblyopia in paediatric patients aged 3-17 years with comparison to the Lea and Snellen tests. This was a cross-section study of 64...

Screening with PlusoptiX

This study compared the PlusoptiX A12 to a comprehensive ophthalmic investigation. This was a three-month study of 219 (438 eyes) subjects with a mean age of 72 months. The A12 referred 101 of 219 (46%) patients for potential amblyopia. Ophthalmic...

Improving vision screening access

The purpose of this study was to determine whether providing access to instrument-based screening equipment would increase the total number of high quality age-appropriate vision screenings provided to pre-school aged children. SPOT vision screening was placed in paediatric offices at...

The screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity

A male child is born at 31 weeks and requires 100% oxygen supplementation with intensive care. What would be the ophthalmic management of this child? In the first instance, it will be useful to know the screening criteria and protocol....

Smartphone use in screening

This prospective study aimed to determine the positive predictive value (PPV) of patients referred to a pediatric ophthalmic practice in Alaska. Young children were photoscreened with Gobiquity app on a Nokia model 1020 smartphone; 217 children were referred. Time from...

PlusoptiX and SPOT screening

The goal of this study was to determine whether an instrument that uses referral criteria having a high specificity (plusoptiX S08) would fail to refer children who have significant amblyopia and who would have been detected by an instrument using...

Screening for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has updated the recommendations for screening for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy based on new scientific evidence that toxicity is not rare when hydroxychloroquine is used long-term, and that risk is dependent on the daily dose by weight....

Vision screening opinion

The aim of this paper is to describe experts’ perceptions of best practice guidelines and competency frameworks for visual screening in children. A focus group of approximately 75 minutes duration consisted of five orthoptists and two paediatric ophthalmologists with more...

ROP screening criteria

This study aimed to describe a process of identifying birth weight and gestational age screening guidelines in Mongolia using telemedicine for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening. This was a single centre prospective study collecting data from December 2016 to January...

Comparison of vision screening programmes

The purpose was to examine the treatment that children underwent as a result of being identified with reduced vision at school screening. The level of improvement in vision was identified and the time taken to achieve maximum visual acuity. There...

RAPD in glaucoma screening

A study was conducted to investigate the relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) by swinging flashlight as a potentially useful screening test for glaucomatous optic neuropathy. The authors recruited 107 subjects with or without glaucoma from a clinic population. A medical...