You searched for "medical students"

6 results found

Ophthalmology for Medical Students DVD

Medical students spend far too little time in clinical ophthalmology, barely a week in a whole five year course. A week usually taken up by learning very basic facts about the eye and about the specialty, which means that any...

‘Getting a head start’: ways medical students can boost their chances of entering ophthalmology training

Ophthalmology is one of the most competitive medical specialities in the UK, with 3.74 applicants per place in 2018 [1]. Given the competitive nature of this highly specialised field, medical students who are interested in pursuing a career in ophthalmology...

Ophthalmology history and examination – a guide for medical students

*First author Students have very little exposure to ophthalmology during their years at medical school. Teaching consists of a handful of lectures followed by a short placement in which students are expected to practise histories and examinations on patients with...

My Top Five: Digital ophthalmology revision resources for medical students

Ophthalmology is a broad and exciting field to study but encountering the vast number of topics it contains for the first time in medical school can be a daunting prospect. Building a solid foundation of knowledge in the subject is...

Will COVID-19 impact the selection of ophthalmology as a career choice by medical students?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound effects on medical education and has called for large shifts in the medical curriculum. Clinical attachments were suspended at the height of the pandemic and examinations were cancelled or were moved to an online...

Should it be a mandatory requirement for medical students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to attend clinical attachments?

The vast majority of medical students have positive attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine for themselves and patients, however, what about the small inevitable minority who resist it? Should they be prevented from attending clinical attachments in the NHS? It is...