You searched for "entropion"

681 results found

Functional outcomes after exotropia surgery

The authors used the Chinese version of the AS20 and A&SQ questionnaires to explore if successful postoperative alignment could significantly improve health related quality of life (HRQOL) in adults with childhood large angle exotropia. They further evaluated the relationship between...

Testing of binocular contrast sensitivity as an objective measure of severity in intermittent exotropia

The purpose of this study was to compare the binocular contrast sensitivity ratio (measured with the Vision CSV-100 vector chart) between 40 intermittent exotropia patients and 40 normal controls. The authors also evaluated the effect of intermittent exotropia compensation status...

En coup de sabre scar and strabismus

This is a case report of an eight-year-old child with gradual progressive strabismus (esotropia and hypotropia) from the age of five years. The angle measured >45 degrees esotropia and 10 degrees hypotropia. There was a depressed linear-localised scar over the...

Residual esotropia surgery comparisons

The aim was to compare lateral rectus resection and plication methods in patients with residual esotropia for postoperative success rate, dose response, ipsilateral medial rectus limitations and reoperation. The study included 57 patients (31 female, 26 male) with 27 plication...

BT for convergence spasm

The aim of this study was to analyse the response of a cohort of patients with convergence spasm to the injection of botulinum toxin (BT) in the medial rectus muscle. This was a retrospective study of six patients with a...

Surgical management and review of congenital inferior rectus dysgenesis

Three cases are presented of congenital inferior rectus (IR) dysgenesis causing hypertropia. Case 1 was a two-year-old female with intermittent vertical strabismus of 20PD and -2 limitation on depression, worse in abduction. MRI imaging showed a hypoplastic IR. Following surgery,...

Autistic responses to plusoptix photoscreening

The authors sought to determine if the plusoptix would provide an accurate estimation of whether an autistic child had amblyopic risk factors. This retrospective study identified 48 children with autism. Undilated plusoptix was undertaken in 25 children aged less than...

Presenting and diagnostic signs of retinoblastoma

This study revisits the presenting signs of retinoblastoma (RB) in the context of current best practice with respect to diagnosis and assessment of RB. This was a retrospective review of 131 consecutive cases, excluding those with positive family history over...

IO surgery

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the efficacy of a new surgical technique in reducing inferior oblique muscle overaction (IOOA) consisting of suturing the muscle to the sclera at the Gobin point with tendon sparing and using a...

Use of polypropylene suture with glaucoma drainage tubes

The authors overview surgical techniques for initial non-valved glaucoma drainage device tube placement and a glaucoma drainage device tube extension using polypropylene suture as a guide wire and stabiliser in paediatric patients. The detailed technique for tube placement and tube...

BT outcome for CP and ET

The authors evaluate the clinical outcome of botulinum toxin (BT) injection in the correction of esotropia in 44 patients with cerebral palsy (CP). BT was injected under general anaesthesia without EMG guidance. Of the children, 47.7% were male and mean...

Outcomes for acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia

Outcomes are reported in a retrospective review of 338 patients with acute acquired non-accommodative comitant esotropia (AACE). Mean age at presentation was 12.60 ±9.37 years and 220 were male, 118 female. Best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 ±0.29 logMAR overall;...