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Outcomes of Hughes flap in lower eyelid reconstruction

One hundred and 22 consecutive patients who underwent tarsoconjunctival advancement flap surgery for lower eyelid defects were part of this study. Ninety percent of them had lesion excision using Mohs micrographic surgery. Eighty percent of these were for basal cell...

Visual field changes in thyroid eye disease (TED)

This study is a retrospective non- comparative review of visual field (VF) tests in patients with compressive optic neuropathy from thyroid eye disease (TED-CON). Ninety-six visual fields in 68 patients were included in the study and a two-step analysis of...

Eyebrow reconstruction

This article is a systematic review of surgical techniques for reconstruction of the eyebrow. The authors discuss the anatomy of the eyebrow, structure of its hair follicles and principles underlying the reconstruction. Options for direct closure, types of advancement and...