Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology


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Visual outcomes and predictors in optic pathway glioma

This is a retrospective study of 60 paediatric optic pathway glioma (OPG) patients (NF1 or sporadic) presenting to Great Ormond Street between 2003-2017. Median follow-up was 82 months. Analysis was divided into best and worst eye vision representing level quality...

Visual snow syndrome: a review

Visual snow syndrome (VSS) is a neurological condition characterised by visual phenomena described as dots moving across the visual field. Other visual symptoms can take the form of palinopsia, entopic phenomena, photophobia and nyctalopia. Tinnitus and migraine can be commonly...

Diagnostic accuracy of different keratoconus detection indices of pentacam in paediatric eyes

This is a retrospective study of 432 non-keratoconic eyes compared with 48 eyes with keratoconus (KC) or forme fruste KC (FFKC) in a paediatric population in Cairo, Egypt between December 2013 and October 2018. The authors discuss the rationale of...