You searched for "vitrectomy"

219 results found

Across the globe and into the world of international eye grading

Decades have passed and the influence of analysing fundus images by grading consultants and retinal image specialists has grown worldwide. Their job is to specialise in assessing hundreds of diagnosed eye disease disorders and to read thousands of eye images,...

The future of multi-professional working in eye care

How the integration of service improvement technology, and health promotion will allow eye care professionals to overcome current and future challenges. The future of eye care in the UK is at a precipice. Hospital attendances are increasing year on year,...

Ophthalmology in ancient india, Sushruta’s time and the modern era

While reading an article related to the history of Indian ophthalmology, I came across this description of a surgical procedure: “The doctor warmed the patient’s eye with the breath of his mouth. He rubbed the closed eye of the patient...