You searched for "Neuro-ophthalmology"

2007 results found

Surgical management options for NLDO

The authors aimed to develop a current collective practice profile for management of nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). They conducted an online survey of American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (AAPOS) members of which 142 completed surveys were collected within...

Access to eyecare based on geographical location

The authors aimed to evaluate access to paediatric ophthalmology using geo-informatics (OpenStreetMap software) with the objectives being to calculate driving time between vision screening centres and eyecare providers (ophthalmologists or optometrists) coupled with mapping to demographic information and economic census...

My ophthalmology taster week experience at Whipps Cross Eye Treatment Centre

Deciding to explore ophthalmology Having read about ophthalmology, I have always found myself fascinated about what a career in ophthalmology entails. I have often wondered what ophthalmologists actually do, as we as medical students did not have a lot of...

Stephen Connell joins Birmingham Optical Ophthalmology division as Clinical Sales Specialist

Stephen began his career in Ophthalmology in 2006 as an Ophthalmic Science Practitioner joining the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmology

The authors designed and distributed a survey to assess the economic impact of the pandemic on US paediatric ophthalmologists over the sustained lockdown period of 18 months in 2020/21. They captured information on clinical and surgical revenue, staff hiring and...

Assessing possibility of deferring lumbar puncture in mild idiopathic intracranial hypertension

This was a retrospective review of patients consecutively presenting with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) to a tertiary neuro-ophthalmology clinic without a lumbar puncture (LP) over an eight-year period. Inclusion criteria included true optic disc oedema, retinal nerve layer thickness ≤300µm,...

Chloral hydrate sedation

A systematic review of literature sourced from PubMed, EMBASE, ISI, Web of Science, Scopus, CENTRAL, Google Scholar and Trip database to 1 October 2015, about the safety and efficacy of chloral hydrate (CH) by meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs)...

Should we be looking for anemia in the presence of papilloedema?

The authors present a retrospective case notes review of patients diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) presenting to a tertiary neuro-ophthalmology clinic over a 32-month period. The IIH group were age and sex matched with other patients attending the clinic...

Milton Keynes ophthalmology hospital opens doors

CHEC’s new site set to reduce NHS waiting times and increase patient choice.

The expanding spectrum of idiopathic intracranial hypertension

This is a review article from a tertiary centre in Atlanta, US. With rising obesity rates and increasing access for MRI scans there has been a large increase in patients requiring an urgent papilloedema check with incidental findings on MRI...

Association between smoking and uveitis

This is a retrospective, population-based, case-control study from the general Kaiser Hawaii population. Over a two year period (1 January 2006 to 31 December 2007), there were 100 confirmed incident cases of uveitis. Two control groups were created, with 522...

MEACO19 (Middle East and Africa Council of Ophthalmology) XIV International Congress

The 14th International Congress of the Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO) The Jordanian Ophthalmological Society will host the 14th International Congress of the Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO), which will be held in collaboration with the...