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Glaukos is delighted to announce that the expiry date for their innovative iStent inject® W device has been increased from 12 months to three years.

Trabecular micro-bypass surgery with iStent inject® W involves implanting two small surgical-grade titanium stents designed to bypass the trabecular meshwork, the area of greatest resistance to aqueous humor outflow and therefore designed to increase drainage through Schlemm’s canal, thus lowering intraocular pressure.

Implanted during cataract surgery or as a separate procedure, the device comprises a hand-held injector capable of implanting two 0.36mm heparin-coated titanium stents via a single corneal entry point.

Over 1,000,000 iStent®, iStent inject® and iStent inject® W devices have been implanted globally.



For more information on Glaukos and iStent inject® W visit:

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