Why Ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that deals with eye diseases and helps preserve vision. The ophthalmic community consists of a wide range of healthcare professionals who work together to address eye-related problems in many extraordinary ways. This article explores the...

Ophthalmology Specialty Training 2024: What's different?

The 2024 intake for ophthalmology specialty training (OST) has undergone several significant changes in its approach towards candidate selection and assessment. This article provides a comparative analysis, detailing these new measures and comparing them against the previous year's standards. Our...

Attending ophthalmology conferences as a foundation trainee: an eye-opener?

The benefits of attending specialty conferences for clinicians are numerous. For example, staying up to date with the latest advancements in the field and integrating these into clinical practice. However, foundation doctors are yet to enter a training pathway and...