JOURNAL REVIEWED: Ocular Immunology and Inflammation | Retina

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Diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis

This review article provides an update on the methods diagnosing ocular tuberculosis (TB), the difficulties in making the diagnosis and makes recommendations to a more accurate diagnosis by combining the available diagnostic tests. Today ocular TB remains a presumptive clinical...

Medical malpractice in uveitis: a review of clinical entities and outcomes

This paper presents a retrospective review of malpractice verdicts, rulings and settlements in the United States. Twenty-five cases of uveitis-related litigation spanning 1971-2014 were identified from the database representing 2.3% of all cases. Forty-eight percent of the cases were infectious....

Safety and outcome of microincision vitreous surgery in uveitis

This paper reports the outcomes of microincision vitreous surgery (MIVS) 23G/25G in uveitis of 103 patients (106 eyes) who underwent diagnostic MIVS over a period of four years at the Advanced Eye centre in Chandigarth India. The postoperative evaluation included...